Funk & Soul
- Tanzen (K ID 22) - Krude Mischung
- Joekulsarlon Icebergs (ID 683) - Lobo Loco
- Violence (CB 002) - Checkie Brown
- Disco (CB 018) - Checkie Brown
- Chicky Chacky (ID 01) - KieLoBot
- Some Starsky Some Hutch (ID 841) - Lobo Loco
- Traffic Isle (ID 466) - Lobo Loco
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Funky Banane Nightclub (CB 202) - Studioversion
Studioversion 2021. Tempo: xx bpm / Date: 20.12.2021 ..
Funky Mushroom Banane Nightclub (ID 056)
Funky rock. Distorted wahwah guitar, pumping bass and straig..
Joekulsarlon Icebergs (ID 683)
Cool funky beats with hammond and wahwah wurlitzer, strong d..
25 Years Schnitzelsong Instr B (ID 447)
Anniversary of the legend Schnitzelsong. Gospel instrumental..
Beach Aldente (KieLoKaz ID 109)
Free impro jazz session song with funky elements. Rhytm mach..
Hippie Bulle (CB 204) - Studioversion
Studioversion 2021. Relax funky free impro. Streets of San F..
Hippie Bulle - Stoned Funghi (ID 213)
Free impro Krautrock. Dramatically spacy with changing speed..
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